About Us

Our Story

Our story begins with two of our founding members, Patrick Harig and Russ Taylor, seeking trauma-specific healing and guidance after years of on-the-job trauma exposure. They each attended a weeklong retreat in California to address the impacts of traumatic stress. Upon returning home, Russ and Pat reached out to others who were possibly suffering from the effects of career related traumatic stressors. They began meeting weekly to bowl and invited fellow officers. Russ and Pat shared their stories and what they had learned at the retreat. They answered questions and started a dialogue that began addressing the profound impact their careers had on their mental health.

In 2018, Russ and Pat connected with Gina Essex, MA LPC to create and develop a plan that encourages healing for their peers and their families. Together the three of them formed a support group that offered culturally competent and useful methods for navigating and resolving the symptoms of traumatic stress. The support group that Pat, Russ, and Gina created meets regularly to this day.

Since then, Gina has facilitated trainings and created useful resources for more than 50 departments within Michigan and across the United States and has worked with over five hundred First responders, Veterans and their family members.

Recently Tony, a member of that original support group, suggested that they create a non-profit to build on and support the expansion of Gina’s approach. So that more individuals, departments and families could have access to the information and resources that helped him. Together Tony, Russ and Pat founded Standing Stronger Together in 2023.